• Architect Registration Examination

    Looking for supplemental study material for the ARE Exam? Learn more about why ARE Infographics is a great resource for your library.

    The notes are formatted on 8.5x11 sheets.

    The use of different geometric bubbles and colors allows for easy access to recall information while taking the architect registration exam.

  • California Supplemental Exam

    Looking for supplemental study material for the CSE Exam? Learn more about why CSE Infographics is a great resource for your library.

    The notes are formatted on 6 sheets of 24x36. The key content has been hyperlinked for your reference and for any additional knowledge you would like to acquire for the California Supplemental Exam

    The use of different geometric bubbles and colors allows for easy access to recall information when it really matters.  


Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.


Why Use Arc Infographics